Trump administration’s Silicone Valley visa lockout: Opportunity for others.


A spate of policy changes since Donald Trump’s presidential inauguration have brought into fruition his campaign promises of making “America great”. Ushering the end of open foreign relationships in terms of trade and diplomacy with its former partner countries and enforcing a closed economy through the enabling of  protectionist policies. Underlying reason for this policy is to give jobs and money back to the American people and bluntly put to get rid of foreigners workers.

Business wise internally within the large American multinationals this decision is having immense negative impacts on their operations. Especially the global tech companies based in Silicone Valley  who rely on a lot of crucial input from their foreign employees for research and development who are also holding important roles in these companies will face an unexpected future and more likely be forced leave as the chances of their visa rejections become a reality.tech3-1489594869-1775

This will be an opportunity for other overseas competing firms and countries to employ these foreign workers and use their knowledge and expertise to enrich themselves. As the battle ground becomes skewed against the U.S tech firms we see the potential for countries like Germany  and China who are now driving policies towards automation and intelligent manufacturing among others and are intensively pursuing tech programs pose a lucrative market as well.

In the age where information is power will this policy be sustained as American global technology companies raise concerns and issues with this policy decision which ultimately threatens to lose their advantage and competitiveness in a an ever changing market.


Further Reading:

Ali, D. W. (2017, March 25). Trump US Visa H1B and L1 visa executive order leaked and visa review. Retrieved March 26, 2017, from

Drange, M. (2017, January 30). Trump’s Proposed Shakeup Of Work-Visa Program Could Leave Silicon Valley Scrambling. Retrieved March 26, 2017, from

Financial Times. (n.d.). Retrieved March 26, 2017, from

Kosoff, M. (2017, January 31). Trump’s Next Executive Order Could Cripple Silicon Valley. Retrieved March 26, 2017, from

Wood, C. (2017, March 04). How will the new high-skilled worker visa rules affect Silicon Valley? Retrieved March 26, 2017, from

Author: chrisgandi

I am a fultime univerity student studying for a Masters of E-commerce degree. I work part-time and also am a fultime co-parent to three girls aged 3, 4 and 6.

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